She is an artist. She graduated in arts from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2007), with residencies at Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (2013) and Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (2017). She works with various media, especially painting and installation. Her work addresses the social and political memory of Peru, exploring iconographies of official and unofficial artistic archives. Her individual exhibitions include Kachkaniraqkun!/¡Somos aún!/¡We are, still!, Art Basel Miami (2018); I WILL OUTLIVE YOU, Grimm Gallery, New York (2018), and Allá en el caserío, acá en el matorral / There in the homestead, here in the thicket, Ginsberg Galería, Lima (2018), among others. Her collective exhibitions include the biennials of Shanghai (2018) and Cuenca (2014) and the triennials of the New Museum, New York (2018) and San Juan, Puerto Rico (2015).