Marcelo Masagão left a course of psycology at PUC-SP to take up work in the Psychiatric Hospital of Trieste, Italy. He tried to set up an open radio: Xilic, an open TV: TV Cubo and a community TV: Horizon TV. He mounted Adote um Satélite (a Homage to TV) in 1989 in Brazil and in 1990, at the 7th Meeting of Video and TV of Montbéliard, France. He coordinated the Festival do Minuto (TUCA). His video works include: Sexo, Fé, Sorte e Morte no Centro SP, Neurotec, 11 horas e trinta minutos na Estacão da Luz, O Ar pertence a Deus and Deus Tudo Pode. Amén.