The second volume of Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil discusses the challenges posed to art by growing urbanization, the spread of new technologies, and the constant redesigning of political-economic-cultural maps. In a preview of the 16th Videobrasil’s Thinking segment (September 2007), the publication, edited by Helio Hara, addresses the relationship between art and sustainability, and the use that art practices make of the mobility typical of the current scene.

In the essays, journalist Daniel Hora reviews the impact of residencies on their surroundings; Grant H. Kester, from the University of California in San Diego, examines the collaboration of art with social and political subcultures; and Hans Dieleman, of Rotterdam’s Erasmus University and Mexico City’s Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, shows that though not always accounted for, sustainability has been present in art practices for decades.

Available from Sesc e-shop.

View the PDF file of the publication here.

Caderno Sesc_Videobrasil 2: Art Mobility Sustainability

Editor: Helio Hara. Collaborators: Daniel Hora, Grant H. Kester, Hans Dieleman, Hildegard Kurt, Maria Araújo, Marisa Mokarzel, Ricardo Rosas. Edições Sesc-SP & Associação Cultural Videobrasil. 2006, 144 pages. Portuguese/English. ISSN 1808-6675. Width: 18.5 cm/Height: 23.5 cm/Spine: 1.5 cm